Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Building Collaborative Partnerships in East Timor Forum

On Saturday 14th July the Inaugural NSW Friendship Forum will held at the Parramatta Campus of the University of Western Sydney. We are honoured to have former First Lady Kirsty Sword Gusmao as our guest for the day and she will deliver the key note presentation. 
The theme of the day is 'education' and and there will be a number of presentations and workshops with an education theme.

The aim of the forum is to provide an opportunity for members of friendship and support groups to be informed, learn from one another, discuss some of the dilemmas and develop stronger networks.

On-line registrations now open. Copy & paste the following into your web-browser:
For more information contact
Mary Waterford - 0403 257 519 or Suzie van Opdorp - 0415 689 935 or suzie.vanopdorp@gmail.com.

East Timor Sisters Garage Sale 16.06.12

Next East Timor Sisters Garage Sale now scheduled for Saturday 16th June 9am - 3pm at 8a Russell Road, Leura. We are accepting good quality donations now. All proceeds support projects for women and children in East Timor. Cancelled if wet. We look forward to seeing you there!